Welcome to the Kawaii Riot
Contribute to the Site
Interested in contributing content to the site? We are looking for Alternative Fashion photos, digital art, article pitches, and guest features from all substyles of alternative fashion and lifestyles.
Donations help make a difference. Recognize that not everyone has the financial means to donate and that you SHOULD NOT guilt people for not being able to donate. If you can donate to a non-profit or a local organization. Please research the organization before donating and linking.
Take note of all those businesses and peers, both at a grand scale and small scale. Pay attention to those who choose not to be active about their stance for a particular moment.
Take the initiative to do some research, especially before sharing links and news. Do not ask, demand, or nag the oppressed or those apart of the suffering community to teach you about a cause. Arm yourself with knowledge, facts, and sources. Learn about the movement, know its importance, and let that guide you.
In this time, it's essential to uplift the voices and stories of those affected by this injustice. Be smart about what content you are sharing and distributing into your feeds. It's critical that the face of the movement is and remains in solidarity with who it directly affects. Social shares help spread news, links, and support.
This goes both ways because you can challenge yourself and others. Check your privilege but also recognize that you are capable of challenging people on their misguided views. Allow yourself to question injustice in big or small ways both in communities and professional spaces
Most importantly, take action. This is the time to use that courage and use your platforms. Whether you are helping at the frontlines or using your digital space to raise awareness, actions are better than nothing at all. Keep that in mind going forward. Live life without having regret of doing nothing at all. ACT now and stop hesitating.